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Catalogus: Geschiedenis - Noord-Amerika en Canada
gevonden: 23 boeken op 1 pagina


BAILEY, T.A. A diplomatic history of the American people. Englewood-Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1980 .
Boeknummer 631091 € 20.00
CONDON, T.J. New York beginnings. The commercial origins of New Netherland. New York, UP, 1968.
Boeknummer 631088 € 10.00
ECK, R., OHLHOFF, K.J., VOSS, D., (HRSG.) Nordamerika aus der Sicht europäischer Reisender. Bücher, Ansichten und Texte aus vier Jahrhunderten. Ausstellung der Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, der Niedersächsischen Landesbibliothek Hannover und des Amerika-Hauses in Hannover. Hannover, Amerika-Haus, 1991.
Boeknummer 616246 € 10.00
GUTMAN, H.G. The black family in slavery and freedom, 1750-1925. New York, Pantheon, 1976.
Boeknummer 617583 € 15.00
KAMMEN, M. A season of youth. The American revolution and the historical imagination. New York, Knopf, 1978.
Boeknummer 635380 € 15.00
KETCHAM, R. Presidents above party. The first American presidency, 1789 - 1829. Chapel Hill, UNCP, 1984.
Boeknummer 635345 € 15.00
KROES, R., (ED.) The American West. As seen by Europeans and Americans. Amsterdam, FUP, 1989.
Boeknummer 16719 € 15.00
LAMBERT, F. The Barbary wars. American independence in the Atlantic world. New York, Hill, 2005.
Boeknummer 602672 € 10.00
LANE, F.K. The letters of Franklin K. Lane. Personal and political. Edited by Anne Wintermute Lane and Louise Herrick Wall. With illustrations. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1922 (6th) .
Boeknummer 631090 € 10.00
LARDNER, RING, YARDLEY, J. Ring. A biography of Ring Lardner. New York, Random, 1977.
Boeknummer 635381 € 15.00
LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, MCCRARY, P. Abraham Lincoln and reconstruction. The Louisiana experiment. Princeton, UP, 1978.
Boeknummer 635382 € 15.00
LITWACK, L.F. Been in the storm so long. The aftermath of slavery. London, Athlone, 1979.
Boeknummer 599363 € 12.50
MILLS, G.B. The forgotten people. Cane River's creoles of color. Baton Rouge, LSUP, 1977.
Boeknummer 616260 € 10.00
MORGAN, E.S. American slavery. American freedom. The ordeal of colonial Virginia. New York, Norton, 1975.
Boeknummer 632586 € 12.50
MORISON, S.E., COMMAGER, H.S., LEUCHTENBURG, W.E. The growth of the American republic. Sixth edition. Complete in 2 volumes. New York, OUP, 1970.
Boeknummer 604478 € 20.00
MYERS, G. Geschichte der grossen amerikanischen Vermögen. 2 volumes. Berlin, Fischer, 1916.
Boeknummer 637821 € 25.00
NAYLOR, R.T. Canada in the European age 1453-1919. Vancouver, New Star books, 1987.
Boeknummer 632567 € 10.00
PERMAN, D. Reunion without compromise. The south and reconstruction: 1865 - 1868. Cambridge, UP, 1973.
Boeknummer 635339 € 15.00
PORTER, G. A peace denied. The United States, Vietnam, and the Paris agreement. Bloomington, IUP, 1975.
Boeknummer 635372 € 15.00
POSSONY, S.T. Waking up the giant. The strategy for American victory and world freedom. New Rochelle, Arlington, 1974.
Boeknummer 635346 € 15.00
PYNE, S.J. Fire in America. A cultural history of wildland and rural fire. Princeton, UP, 1982.
Boeknummer 635343 € 15.00
ROSENBERGER, N., (ED.) The American system of manufactures. The report of the Committee on the machinery of the United States 1855 and the special reports of George Wallis and Joseph Whitworth 1854. Edited with an introduction. Edinburgh, UP, 1969.
Boeknummer 622854 € 75.00
WOODWARD, C.V., (ED.) The comparative approach to American history. New York, Basic books, 1968 (2nd) .
Boeknummer 616220 € 10.00