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Catalogus: Filosofie - Logica, kennistheorie, taal- en analytische filosofie
gevonden: 853 boeken op 22 pagina's

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BRINCK, I. The indexical 'I'. The first person in thought and language. Dordrecht, Kluwer, 1997.
Boeknummer 595757 € 45.00
BRODIE, M.L., MYLOPOULOS, J., SCHMIDT, J.W., (ED.) On conceptual modelling. Perspectives from artificial intelligence, databases, and programming languages. With 25 illustrations. New York, Springer, 1986.
Boeknummer 576972 € 15.00
BROWN, C., HAGOORT, P., MEIJERING, T.C., (RED.) Vensters op de geest. Cognitie op het snijvlak van filosofie en psychologie. Utrecht, Grafiet, 1989.
Boeknummer 607685 € 12.50
BROWN, G., YULE, G. Discourse analysis. Cambridge, CUP, 1989.
Boeknummer 645210 € 10.00
BRUNER, J. On knowing. Essays for the left hand. Expanded edition. Cambridge MA, HUP, 1979.
Boeknummer 644846 € 12.50
BRÜNING, W. Grundlagen der strengen Logik. Würzburg, Köningshausen , 1996.
Boeknummer 644259 € 20.00
BRZEZINSKI, J., NUOVO, S. DI, MAREK, T., (ED.) Creativity and consciousness. Philosophical and psychological dimensions. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1993.
Boeknummer 595803 € 50.00
BURGERS, S. Logisch en kritisch denken. Onderzoeken - argumenteren - concluderen. Bussum, Coutin, 2015.
Boeknummer 640843 € 10.00
BURKS, A.W., SALMON, M.H. The philosophy of logical mechanism. Essays in honor or Arthur W. Burks with his responses. With a bibliography of works by Arthur W. Burks. Dordrecht, Kluwer, 1990.
Boeknummer 626789 € 75.00
BURTON, A., RADFORD, J., (ED.) Thinking in perspective. Critical essays in the study of thought processes. London, Methuen, 1978.
Boeknummer 594281 € 10.00
BURTON-ROBERTS, N. The limits to debate. A revised theory of semantic presupposition. Cambridge, UP, 1989.
Boeknummer 3469 € 15.00
BUTCHVAROV, P. Resemblance and identity. An examination of the problem of universals. Bloomington, IUP, 1966.
Boeknummer 643012 € 12.50
BUTLER, R.J., (ED.) Analytical philosophy. First series. Oxford, Blackwell, 1966.
Boeknummer 608331 € 10.00
BUTLER, R.J., (ED.) Analytical philosophy. Second series. Oxford, Blackwell, 1965.
Boeknummer 621183 € 10.00
BUTTS, R.E., BROWN, J.R., (ED.) Constructivism and science. Essays in recent German philosophy. Dordrecht, Kluwer, 1989.
Boeknummer 310 € 40.00
BUTTS, R.E., HINTIKKA, J., (ED.) Basic problems in methodology and linguistics. Part three of the proceedings of the fifth international congress of logic, methodology and philosophy of science. London, Ontario, Canada - 1975. Dordrecht, Reidel, 1977.
Boeknummer 608329 € 20.00
BUTTS, R.E., HINTIKKA, J., (ED.) Historical and philosophical dimensions of logic, methodology and philosophy of science. Part four of the proceedings of the fifth international congress of logic, methodology and philosophy of science, London, Ontario, Canada-1975. Dordrecht, Reidel, 1977.
Boeknummer 346 € 15.00
BUTTS, R.E., HINTIKKA, J., (ED.) Historical and philosophical dimensions of logic, methodology and philosophy of science. Part four of the proceedings of the fifth international congress of logic, methodology and philosophy of science, London, Ontario, Canada-1975. Dordrecht, Reidel, 1977.
Boeknummer 608330 € 20.00
CAMPBELL, J. Homo grammaticus. De informatietheorie als de grammatica van de natuur. Vertaling: W. Dijkhuis. Amsterdam, Agon, 1988.
Boeknummer 642162 € 10.00
CAMPBELL, K. Body and mind. Macmillan London, Macmillan, 1971.
Boeknummer 645246 € 10.00
CARNAP, R., BOUKHRIS, S. Probabilités et induction: le programme de Carnap. Paris, zu, 2001.
Boeknummer 10398 € 35.00
CARNEY, J.D., SCHEER, R.K. Fundamentals of logic. New York, Macmillan, 1968.
Boeknummer 645207 € 12.50
CARPENTER, B. Type-logical semantics. Cambridge, MIT, 1997.
Boeknummer 643010 € 15.00
CARRUTHERS, P. Introducing persons. Theories and arguments in the philosophy of mind. London, Croom Helm, 1986.
Boeknummer 577078 € 10.00
CARRUTHERS, P. Introducing persons. Theories and arguments in the philosophy of mind. London, Croom Helm, 1986.
Boeknummer 645287 € 10.00
CASSAM, Q. The possibility of knowledge. Oxford, UP, 2007.
Boeknummer 644268 € 25.00
CELLÉRIER, G., PAPERT, S., VOYAT, G. Cybernétique et épistémologie. Paris, PUF, 1968.
Boeknummer 631564 € 12.50
CHAPPELL, V.C., (ED.) The philosophy of mind. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1962.
Boeknummer 643961 € 10.00
CHARNIAK, E., MCDERMOTT, D. Introduction to artificial intelligence. Reading, Addison-Wesley, 1985.
Boeknummer 639114 € 15.00
CHASE, J., REYNOLDS, J. Analytic versus continental. Arguments on the methods and value of philosophy. Montreal, McGill-Queen's UP, 2010.
Boeknummer 641182 € 20.00
CHATALIAN, G. Epistemology and skepticism: an enquiry into the nature of epistemology. Foreword by R. M. Chisholm. Carbondale, SIUP, 1991.
Boeknummer 640621 € 10.00
CHATTOPADHYAYA, D. Induction, probability and skepticism. New York, SUNY, 1991.
Boeknummer 642839 € 20.00
CHIARA, M.L. DALLA, DOETS, K., MUNDICI, D., (ED.) Structures and norms in science. Volume two of the tenth international congress of logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Florence, august 1995. Dordrecht, Kluwer, 1997.
Boeknummer 14631 € 35.00
CHISS, J.-L., PUECH, CH. Fondations de la linguistique. Études d'histoire et d'épistémologie. Bruxelles, Boeck, 1987.
Boeknummer 620653 € 30.00
CHOMSKY, N. Current issues in linguistic theory. The Hague, Mouton, 1964.
Boeknummer 643959 € 10.00
CHOMSKY, N. De macht van Amerika en de nieuwe mandarijnen. Historische en politieke essays. Vertaling T. Jelgersma. Utrecht, Bruna, 1969.
Boeknummer 641986 € 10.00
CHOMSKY, N. A new generation draws the line. Kosovo, East Timor and the standards of the west. London, Verso, 2000.
Boeknummer 640587 € 12.50
CHOMSKY, N. Over de taal. De taal als spiegel van de geest. Vertaling: M.E. Heesen. Baarn, Ambo, 1977 .
Boeknummer 635172 € 10.00
CHOMSKY, N. Over de taal. De taal als spiegel van de geest. Vertaling: M.E. Heesen. Baarn, Ambo, 1977 .
Boeknummer 644395 € 10.00
CHOMSKY, N. Regels en representaties. De grammatica als mentaal orgaan. Vertaling: H. Corver. Utrecht, Bohn, 1981.
Boeknummer 601359 € 10.00

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