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Catalogus: Filosofie - Logica, kennistheorie, taal- en analytische filosofie
gevonden: 840 boeken op 21 pagina's

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BAAK, J. VAN, BARTELS, J., HEUSDEN, B. VAN, (RED.) Lichaam en geest. Het lichaam/geest-probleem, vanuit verschillende invalshoeken benaderd. Budel, Damon, 2006.
Boeknummer 644358 € 12.50
BAKER, C.L., MCCARTHY, J.J., (ED.) The logical problem of language acquisition. Cambridge, MIT, 1981.
Boeknummer 644549 € 15.00
BALAGUER, M. Free wil as an open scientific problem. Cambridge, MIT, 2010.
Boeknummer 632848 € 25.00
BALDINGER, K. Semantic theory. Towards a modern semantics. Translated by William C. Brown and edited by Roger Wright. Oxford, Blackwell, 1980.
Boeknummer 611471 € 10.00
BAR-HILLEL, Y., (ED.) Pragmatics of natural languages. Dordrecht, Reidel, 1971.
Boeknummer 2762 € 15.00
BAR-HILLEL, Y., (ED.) Pragmatics of natural languages. Dordrecht, Reidel, 1971.
Boeknummer 629688 € 15.00
BAR-HILLEL, Y., KASHER, A., (ED.) Language in focus: foundations, methods and systems. Essays in memory of Yehoshua Bar-Hillel. Dordrecht, Reidel, 1976.
Boeknummer 1103 € 25.00
BAR-HILLEL, Y., KASHER, A., (ED.) Language in focus: foundations, methods and systems. Essays in memory of Yehoshua Bar-Hillel. Dordrecht, Reidel, 1976.
Boeknummer 569386 € 15.00
BARR, A., FEIGENBAUM, E.A., (ED.) The handbook of artificial intelligence. Complete in 4 volumes. Stanford/Los Altos, HeurisTech/Kaufmann, 1981-1982.
Boeknummer 639113 € 65.00
BARTH, E.M. The logic of the articles in traditional philosophy. A contribution to the study of conceptual structures. Dordrecht, Reidel, 1974.
Boeknummer 632819 € 35.00
BARTH, E.M. De logica van de lidwoorden in de traditionele filosofie. Leiden, UP, 1971.
Boeknummer 618276 € 20.00
BARTH, E.M. De logica van de lidwoorden in de traditionele filosofie. Leiden, UP, 1971.
Boeknummer 622565 € 15.00
BARTH, E.M., KRABBE, E.C.W., DALITZ, R.J., SMIT, P.A., (ED.) Empirical logic and public debate. Essays in honour of Else M. Barth. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1993.
Boeknummer 642620 € 25.00
BARTH, E.M., MARTENS, J.L., (ED.) Argumentation. Approaches to theory formation. Containing the contributions to the Groningen conference on the theory of argumentation, october 1978. Amsterdam, Benjamins, 1982.
Boeknummer 596711 € 25.00
BARTHES, R. Le bruisssement de la langue. Essais critiques IV. Paris, Gallimard, 1984.
Boeknummer 643913 € 15.00
BARTHES, R. Critique et vérité. Paris, Seuil, 1966.
Boeknummer 599006 € 10.00
BARTHES, R. Essais critiques. Paris, Seuil, 1964.
Boeknummer 645415 € 12.50
BARTHES, R. Image. Music. Text. Essays selected and translated by S. Heath. London, Fontana, 1977.
Boeknummer 644273 € 10.00
BARTHES, R. Leçon. Leçon inaugurale de la chaire de sémiologie littéraire du collège de France prononcée le 7 janvier 1977. Paris, Seuil, 1978.
Boeknummer 643962 € 10.00
BARTHES, R. Michelet. Aus dem Französischen von P. Geble. Frankfurt aM, EVA, 1980.
Boeknummer 631730 € 10.00
BARTHES, R. New critical essays. Translated by Richard Howard. New York, Hill, 1980.
Boeknummer 610509 € 10.00
BARTHES, R. L'obvie et l'obtus. Essais critiques III. Paris, Seuil, 1982.
Boeknummer 643929 € 10.00
BARTHES, R., CALVET, L.J. Roland Barthes. Een biografie. Vertaald door J. Holierhoek. Amsterdam, Van Gennep, 1992.
Boeknummer 5039 € 10.00
BARTHES, R., CROIX, A. DE LA Barthes. Pour une éthique des signes. Bruxelles, De Boeck, 1987.
Boeknummer 602601 € 10.00
BARTHES, R., FAGES, J.B. Comprendre Roland Barthes. Toulouse, Privat, 1979.
Boeknummer 637425 € 12.50
BARTHES, R., HILLENAAR, H. Roland Barthes. Existentialisme, semiotiek, psychoanalyse. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1982.
Boeknummer 623430 € 9.00
BARTHES, R., HOFSTEDE, R., PIETERS, J., (RED.) Memo Barthes. Zp, Vantilt, 2004.
Boeknummer 627261 € 12.50
BARTHES, R., MORIN, E., GIRIBONE, J.L., ECO, U. Roland Barthes. Paris, Seuil, 1982.
Boeknummer 643927 € 15.00
BARTHES, R., ROGER, P. Roland Barthes, roman. Paris, Grasset, 1986.
Boeknummer 644502 € 12.50
BARTHES, R., THODY, P. Roland Barthes. A conservative estimate. With a new afterword. London, Macmillan, 1985.
Boeknummer 605848 € 10.00
BARWISE, J., ETCHEMENDY, J. The language of first-order logic. Including the IBM-compatible Windows version of Tarski's world 4.0. Stanford, CSLI, 1992.
Boeknummer 627498 € 15.00
BARWISE, J., ETCHEMENDY, J. The language of first-order logic. Including the IBM-compatible Windows version of Tarski's world 4.0. Stanford, CSLI, 1992.
Boeknummer 639803 € 12.50
BATENS, D. Logicaboek. Praktijk en theorie van het redeneren. Leuven, Garant, 1992.
Boeknummer 639090 € 10.00
BATENS, D. Logicaboek. Praktijk en theorie van het redeneren. Leuven, Garant, 2002.
Boeknummer 640842 € 10.00
BAUDOUIN DE COURTENAY, JAN A Baudouin de Courtenay anthology. The beginnings of structural linguistics. Translated and edited with an introduction by Edward Stankiewicz. Bloomington, IUP, 1972.
Boeknummer 612532 € 15.00
BECKERMANN, A. Das Leib-Seele-Problem. Eine Einführung in die Philososophie des Geistes. Paderborn, Fink, 2008.
Boeknummer 623777 € 10.00
BELL, D., COOPER, N., (ED.) The analytic tradition. Meaning, thought and knowledge. Oxford, Blackwell, 1991.
Boeknummer 636386 € 40.00
BENCIVENGA, E. A theory of language and mind. Berkeley, UCP, 1997.
Boeknummer 637082 € 30.00
BENESCH, H. Der Ursprung des Geistes. Wie entstand unser Bewußtsein - Wie wird Psychisches in uns hersgestellt? Stuttgart, DVA, 1977.
Boeknummer 18296 € 10.00
BERGMANN, M., MOOR, J., NELSON, J. The logic book. New York, Random House, 1980.
Boeknummer 629460 € 15.00

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