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Catalogus: Filosofie - Logica, kennistheorie, taal- en analytische filosofie
gevonden: 854 boeken op 22 pagina's

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PIETARINEN, J. Lawlikeness, analogy, and inductive logic. Amsterdam, NHPC, 1972.
Boeknummer 1705 € 10.00
PILATOVA, A. A user's guide to proper names. Their pragmatics and semantics. Amsterdam, ILLC, 2005.
Boeknummer 599010 € 15.00
PINKER, S. Enlightenment now. The case for reason, science, humanism, and progress. New York, Viking, 2018.
Boeknummer 639992 € 12.50
PINKER, S. Rationaliteit. Wat rationeel denken is en waarom we het meer dan ooit nodig hebben. Vertaald door Aad Janssen, Frank Lekens, Jan Willem Reitsma & Frits van der Waa. Amsterdam, Contact, 2021.
Boeknummer 643864 € 15.00
PINKER, S. Rationality. What it is. Why it seems scarce. Why it matters. London, Lane, 2021.
Boeknummer 640340 € 10.00
PINKER, S. Het taalinstinct. Het taalscheppende vermogen van de mens. Vertaald en bewerkt door P. Diderich. Amsterdam, Contact, 1995.
Boeknummer 628583 € 15.00
PINKER, S. Het taalinstinct. Het taalscheppende vermogen van de mens. Vertaald en bewerkt door P. Diderich. Amsterdam, Contact, 1995.
Boeknummer 644247 € 12.50
PLATTS, M. DE BRETTON Ways of meaning. An introduction to a philosophy of language. Cambridge, MIT, 1997.
Boeknummer 610309 € 10.00
PLATTS, M. DE BRETTON Ways of meaning. An introduction to a philosophy of language. Cambridge, MIT, 1997.
Boeknummer 643905 € 10.00
PLETT, H.F., OESTERREICH, P.L., SLOANE, T.O., (ED.) Rhetorica movet. Studies in historical and modern rhetoric in honour of Heinrich F. Plett. Leiden, Brill, 1999.
Boeknummer 580518 € 65.00
PLOTKIN, H. Evolution in mind. An introduction to evolutionary psychology. London, Lane, 1997.
Boeknummer 611168 € 10.00
POLANYI, K. Scientific thought and social reality. Essays by Michael Polanyi. Edited by F. Schwartz. New York, International University Press, 1974.
Boeknummer 644854 € 30.00
POLANYI, M., SANDERS, A.F. Michael Polanyi's post-critical epistemology. A reconstruction of some aspects of tacit knowing. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1988.
Boeknummer 614107 € 15.00
POLANYI, M., SANDERS, A.F. Michael Polanyi's post-critical epistemology. A reconstruction of some aspects of tacit knowing. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1988.
Boeknummer 644839 € 15.00
POLI, R. ALWIS: Ontology for knowledge engineers. Utrecht, Zeno, 2001.
Boeknummer 638445 € 25.00
POLTEN, E.P. Critique of the psycho-physical identity theory. A refutation of scientific materialism and an establishment of mind-matter dualism by means of philosophy and scientific method. Preface J. Eccles. The Hague, Mouton, 1973.
Boeknummer 6066 € 10.00
PORT, R.F., GELDER, T. VAN, (ED.) Mind and motion in the dynamics of cognition. Cambridge, MIT press, 1995.
Boeknummer 639335 € 25.00
POS, H.J. Filosofie der wetenschappen. Vijf inleidende voordrachten. Arnhem, Van Loghum Slaterus, 1940.
Boeknummer 580922 € 10.00
POSNER, M.I., (ED.) Foundations of cognitive science. Cambridge, MIT, 1991 (3rd) .
Boeknummer 645482 € 20.00
POUNDSTONE, W. Labyrinths of reason. Paradox, puzzles and the frailty of knowledge. London, Doubleday, 1988.
Boeknummer 639323 € 12.50
POYNTER, F.N.L., (ED.) The history and philosophy of knowledge of the brain and its functions. An Anglo-American Symposium London, july 15th - 17th, 1957. Oxford, Blackwell, 1958.
Boeknummer 632518 € 30.00
PRIEST, S. The British empiricists. Hobbes to Ayer. London, Penguin, 1990.
Boeknummer 640579 € 10.00
PRIOR, A.N., HUGLY, P., SAYWARD, C. Intensionality and truth. An essay on the philosophy of A.N. Prior. Dordrecht, Kluwer, 1996.
Boeknummer 595774 € 45.00
PRITCHARD, D. Epistemic angst. Radical skepticism and the groundlessness of our believing. Princeton, UP, 2016.
Boeknummer 642848 € 25.00
PRITCHARD, D. Epistemic luck. Oxford, UP, 2005.
Boeknummer 644246 € 35.00
PRITCHARD, D. What is this thing called knowledge? London, Routledge, 2006.
Boeknummer 642843 € 10.00
PRZELECKI, M., WOJCICKI, R., (ED.) Twenty-five years of logical methodology in Poland. Translated from the Polish by E. Ronowicz and S. Wojnicki. Dordrecht, Reidel, 1977.
Boeknummer 13139 € 25.00
PUNTEL, L.B. Wahrheitstheorien in der neueren Philosophie. Eine kritisch-systematische Darstellung. Darmstadt, WB, 1978.
Boeknummer 621045 € 10.00
PUNTEL, L.B. Wahrheitstheorien in der neueren Philosophie. Eine kritisch-systematische Darstellung. Dritte, um einen ausführlichen Nachtrag erweiterte Auflage. Darmstadt, WB, 1983.
Boeknummer 635177 € 10.00
PUSTER, R.W. Die Metaphysik der Sprachanalyse. Das Sagbarkeitsprinzip und seine Verwendung von Platon bis Wittgenstein. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 1997.
Boeknummer 638355 € 20.00
PUTNAM, H. Jewish philosophy as a guide to life. Rosenzweig, Buber, Levinas, Wittgenstein. Bloomington, IUP, 2008.
Boeknummer 642400 € 12.50
PUTNAM, H. Jewish philosophy as a guide to life. Rosenzweig, Buber, Levinas, Wittgenstein. Bloomington, IUP, 2008.
Boeknummer 642965 € 12.50
PUTNAM, H. Reason, truth and history. Cambridge, UP, 1981.
Boeknummer 645208 € 10.00
PUTNAM, H. Renewing philosophy. Cambridge, HUP, 1992.
Boeknummer 640595 € 15.00
PUTNAM, H. The threefold cord. Mind, body, and world. New York, CUP, 1999.
Boeknummer 639217 € 15.00
PUTNAM, H. The threefold cord. Mind, body, and world. New York, CUP, 1999.
Boeknummer 640596 € 15.00
PUTNAM, H., MONROY, M.U.R., SILVA, C.C., VIDAL, C.M., (ED.) Following Putnam's trail. On realism and other issues. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2008.
Boeknummer 595846 € 45.00
PUTNAM, H., NORRIS, C. Hilary Putnam. Realism, reason and the uses of uncertainty. Manchester, UP, 2002.
Boeknummer 634612 € 12.50
QUINE, W.V. Elementary logic. Revised edition. Cambridge, HUP, 1966.
Boeknummer 641862 € 65.00
QUINE, W.V. Grundzüge der Logik. Aus dem Englischen von Dirk Siefkes. Frankfurt a M, Suhrkamp, 1969.
Boeknummer 609873 € 20.00

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