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Catalogus: Filosofie - Logica, kennistheorie, taal- en analytische filosofie
gevonden: 854 boeken op 22 pagina's

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KATZ, J.J. The philosophy of language. New York, Harper, 1966.
Boeknummer 2398 € 10.00
KATZ, J.J. The philosophy of language. New York, Harper, 1966.
Boeknummer 644689 € 10.00
KATZ, J.J. The philosophy of linguistics. Oxford, UP, 1985.
Boeknummer 613900 € 10.00
KATZ, J.J. Propositional structure and illocutionary force: a study of the contribution of sentence meaning to speech acts. Hassocks, Harvester, 1977.
Boeknummer 640881 € 15.00
KAYZER, W. Vertrouwd en o zo vreemd. Over geheugen en bewustzijn. Eindredactie G. Wallinga. Amsterdam, Contact, 1995.
Boeknummer 567803 € 10.00
KEARNS, J.T. The principles of deductive logic. Albany, SUNY, 1988.
Boeknummer 590705 € 10.00
KEARNS, J.T. Reconceiving experience. A solution to a problem inherited from Descartes. Albany, SUNY, 1996.
Boeknummer 596231 € 10.00
KEERS, C. Argumentatie. Redeneren-argumenteren-debatteren. Alphen aan den Rijn, Samsom, 1974.
Boeknummer 612300 € 10.00
KEIZER, B. Onverklaarbaar bewoond. Het wonderlijke domein van de hersenen. Nawoord Arko Oderwald. Amsterdam, VU, 2010.
Boeknummer 625541 € 10.00
KEIZER, B. Onverklaarbaar bewoond. Het wonderlijke domein van de hersenen. Nawoord Arko Oderwald. Amsterdam, VU, 2010.
Boeknummer 643535 € 10.00
KEIZER, B. Waar blijft de ziel? Zp, Stichting Maand van de Filosofie, 2012.
Boeknummer 636198 € 8.00
KENNY, A.J.P., LONGUET-HIGGINS, H.C., LUCAS, J.R., WADDINGTON, C.H. The nature of mind. The Gifford Lectures 1971/72. Edinburgh, UP, 1972.
Boeknummer 642392 € 12.50
KENNY, A.J.P., LONGUET-HIGGINS, H.C., LUCAS, J.R., WADDINGTON, C.H. The nature of mind. The Gifford Lectures 1971/72. Edinburgh, UP, 1972.
Boeknummer 645211 € 12.50
KESSELS, J., KAM, A. VAN DER, TOLLENAAR, J. De zaak Arlet. Inleiding in de kennistheorie. Meppel, Boom, 1989.
Boeknummer 644265 € 10.00
KIM, J. Philosophy of mind. Boulder, Westview, 1998.
Boeknummer 638819 € 12.50
KIRJAVAINEN, H. Certainty, assent and belief. An introduction to the logical and semantical analysis of some epistemic and doxastic notions especially in the light of Jaakko Hintikka's Epistemic logic and cardinal John Henry Newman's Discussion on certitude Helsinki, Luther-Agricola-society, 1978.
Boeknummer 636275 € 15.00
KIRJAVAINEN, H., KOISTINEN, T., LEHTONEN, T., (ED.) Philosophical studies in religion, metaphysics, and ethics. Essays in honour of Heikki Kirjavainen. Helsinki, Luther-Agricola-society, 1997.
Boeknummer 568094 € 10.00
KMITA, J. Problems in historical epistemology. Translated from the Polish by M. Turner. Dordrecht, Reidel, 1988.
Boeknummer 2388 € 15.00
KORNBLITH, H., (ED.) Naturalizing epistemology. Cambridge, MIT, 1997.
Boeknummer 628726 € 10.00
KORNBLITH, H., (ED.) Naturalizing epistemology. Cambridge, MIT, 1994.
Boeknummer 632873 € 10.00
KÖRNER, S. Fundamental questions of philosophy. One philosopher's answers. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1971.
Boeknummer 633733 € 10.00
KÖRNER, S., HALLER, R., (HRSG.) Beiträge zur Philosophie von Stephan Körner. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1983.
Boeknummer 630442 € 15.00
KÖRNER, S., SRZEDNICKI, J., (ED.) Stephan Körner - Philosophical analysis and reconstruction. Contributions to philosophy. Dordrecht, Nijhoff, 1987.
Boeknummer 1684 € 15.00
KÖVECSES, Z. Metaphor. A practical introduction. Exercises written with Szilvia Csábi, Réka Hajdú, Zsusanna Bokor a.o. Oxford, UP, 2002.
Boeknummer 640739 € 15.00
KRAMPEN, M., OEHLER, K., POSNER, R., UEXKÜLL, T. VON, (HRSG.) Die Welt als Zeichen. Klassiker der modernen Semiotik. Berlin, Severin, 1981.
Boeknummer 639228 € 20.00
KRISTEVA, J. Colette Paris, Fayard, 2002.
Boeknummer 629879 € 12.50
KRISTEVA, J. Étrangers ŕ nous-męmes. Np, Fayard, 1989.
Boeknummer 623352 € 10.00
KRISTEVA, J. Liefdesgeschiedenissen. Een essay over verleiding en erotiek. Vertaald door H. van der Waal. Amsterdam, Contact, 1991.
Boeknummer 633092 € 10.00
KRISTEVA, J. Liefdesgeschiedenissen. Een essay over verleiding en erotiek. Vertaald door H. van der Waal. Amsterdam, Contact, 1991.
Boeknummer 644461 € 10.00
KRISTEVA, J. Les nouvelles maladies de l'âme. Paris, Fayard, 1993.
Boeknummer 635440 € 10.00
KRISTEVA, J. Séméiotiké. Recherches pour une sémanalyse. Paris, Seuil, 1978.
Boeknummer 600687 € 10.00
KRISTEVA, J., BOEKRAAD, H.C., BRINK, G. VAN DEN, WEL, F. VAN, (RED.) Julia Kristeva. Nijmegen, Te Elfder Ure, 1986.
Boeknummer 643634 € 10.00
KROY, M. Mentalism and modal logic. A study in the relations between logical and metaphysical systems. Wiesbaden, Athenaion, 1976.
Boeknummer 578403 € 10.00
KUHLENBECK, H. Mind and matter. An appraisal of their significance for neurologic theory. With 16 figures. Basel, Karger, 1961.
Boeknummer 622405 € 20.00
KUIPERS, T.A.F., (ED.) What is closer-to-the-truth? A parade of approaches to truthlikeness. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1987.
Boeknummer 630321 € 30.00
KUIPERS, T.A.F., (ED.) What is closer-to-the-truth? A parade of approaches to truthlikeness. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1987.
Boeknummer 634581 € 30.00
KÜNG, G. Ontology and the logistic analysis of language. An enquiry into the contemporary views on universals. Revised ed. Transl. from the German by E.C.M. Mays and rev. by the author. Dordrecht, Reidel, 1967.
Boeknummer 589633 € 15.00
KÜNG, G. Ontology and the logistic analysis of language. An enquiry into the contemporary views on universals. Revised edition. Translated from the German by E.C.M. Mays and revised by the author. Dordrecht, Reidel, 1967.
Boeknummer 591177 € 15.00
KÜNG, G. Ontology and the logistic analysis of language. An enquiry into the contemporary views on universals. Revised edition. Translated from the German by E.C.M. Mays and revised by the author. Dordrecht, Reidel, 1967.
Boeknummer 604548 € 15.00
KÜNNE, W. Abstrakte Gegenstände. Semantik und Ontologie. Frankfurt aM, Suhrkamp, 1983.
Boeknummer 630825 € 10.00

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