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Catalogus: Geschiedenis - Geschiedenis tot 1900
gevonden: 16 boeken op 1 pagina


BENNETT, D. Medicine and pharmacy in Byzantine hospitals. A study of the extant formularies. London, Routledge, 2017.
Boeknummer 642861 € 45.00
BRAUDEL, F. La méditerranée et le monde méditerranéen a l'époque de Philippe II. 2 volumes. Paris, Colin, 1967.
Boeknummer 636279 € 50.00
CAENEGEM, R.C. VAN Guide to the sources of mediëval history. With the collaboration of F.L.Ganshof. Amsterdam, NHPC, 1979 (2nd) .
Boeknummer 616098 € 50.00
DROST, W., (HRSG.) Fortschrittsglaube und Dekandenzbewusstsein in Europa des 19. Jahrhunderts. Literatur - Kunst - Kulturgeschichte. Heidelberg, Winter, 1986.
Boeknummer 643199 € 30.00
DUBRUCK, E.E., GUSICK, B.I., (ED.) Death and dying in the Middle Ages. New York, Lang, 1999.
Boeknummer 641021 € 50.00
ERDOGAN, A. The American Kaleidoscope of the Orient. Representations in the early American print culture. Np, Np, 2018.
Boeknummer 627997 € 25.00
GOYENS, M. , VERBEKE, W., (ED.) The dawn of the written vernacular in western Europe. Leuven, UP, 2003.
Boeknummer 643462 € 25.00
GUINTER, JOHANN, VESALIUS, A., NUTTON, V., (ED.) Principles of anatomy according to the opinion of Galen by Johann Guinter and Andreas Vesalius. London, Routledge, 2017.
Boeknummer 643862 € 125.00
KEEN, M. Chivalry. New Haven, YUP, 1984 (2nd revised).
Boeknummer 637541 € 10.00
LEHMANN, P. Erforschung des Mittelalters. Ausgewählte Abhandlungen unds Aufsätze. Complete in 5 volumes. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 1959 (Reprint 1941) .
Boeknummer 641308 € 95.00
LIEBE, GEORG Soldat und Waffen-Handwerk. Mit 184 Kupfern, Holzschnitten und Faksimiles. Köln, Diederichs, 1972 (2nd reprint 1899) .
Boeknummer 615029 € 10.00
PLUMMER, C., (ED.) Two of the Saxon chronicles. Parallel with supplementary extracts from the others. A revised text edited with introduction, notes, appendices and glossary by Charles Plummer on the basis of an edition of John Earl. 2 volumes. Oxford, UP, 1952.
Boeknummer 637726 € 50.00
SCHNEIDER, R., (HRSG.) Das spätmittelalterliche Königtum im europäischen Vergleich. Sigmaringen, Thorbecke, 1987.
Boeknummer 621206 € 20.00
SMITH, L., TAYLOR, J.H.M., (ED.) Women and the book. Assessing the visual evidence. London/Toronto, British Library/UP, 1996.
Boeknummer 639071 € 50.00
STOREY, R.L. Chronology of the medieval world 800 to 1491. London, Barrie, 1973.
Boeknummer 637547 € 15.00
WILKINSON, BERTIE, SANDQUIST, T.A., POWICKE, M.R., (ed.) Essays in medieval history presented to Bertie Wilkinson. Toronto, UP, 1969.
Boeknummer 621209 € 15.00