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Catalogus: Filosofie - Antropologie
gevonden: 161 boeken op 5 pagina's

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NEWMAN, K.S. Law and economic organization. A comparative study of preindustrial societies. Cambridge, UP, 1983.
Boeknummer 613629 € 10.00
NOSKE, B. Huilen met de wolven. Een interdisciplinaire benadering van de mens-dier relatie. Amsterdam, Van Gennep, 1988.
Boeknummer 636021 € 10.00
OOSTERWAL, G. People of the Tor. A cultural-anthropological study of the tribes of the Tor territory (Northern Netherlands New-Guinea). Assen, Van Gorcum, 1961.
Boeknummer 643288 € 30.00
PEARL, L. Corps, sexe et art. Dimension symbolique. Paris, Harmattan, 2001.
Boeknummer 620555 € 10.00
PELTO, G.H., PELTO, P.J., MESSER, E., (ed.) Research methods in nutritional anthropology. Tokyo, United nations UP, 1989.
Boeknummer 617867 € 50.00
PIDDINGTON, R. An introduction to social anthropology. 2 volumes. Edinburgh, Oliver, 1952-1957.
Boeknummer 570230 € 15.00
POLANYI, K. Primitive, archaic and modern economies. Essays of Karl Polanyi. Edited by George Dalton. Boston, Beacon, 1971.
Boeknummer 645362 € 15.00
POWDERMAKER, H. Stranger and friend. The way of an anthroplogist. New York, Norton, 1966.
Boeknummer 645534 € 12.50
PRINS, A.H.J. East African age-class systems. An inquiry into the social order of Galla, Kipsigis and Kikuyu. Groningen, Wolters, 1953.
Boeknummer 643723 € 15.00
PRINS, A.H.J. In peril of the sea. Marine votive paintings in the Maltese islands. With an appendix of line drawings of Maltese ships by Joseph Muscat. Valetta, Said, 1999.
Boeknummer 634168 € 40.00
PRINS, A.H.J. The Swahili-speaking people of Zanzibar and the East African coast (Arabs, Shirazi, and Swahili). London, International African Institute, 1967.
Boeknummer 643727 € 25.00
RADCLIFF-BROWN, A.R. Structure and function in primitive society. Essays and addresses. With a foreword by E.E. Evans-Pritchard and Fred Eggan. London, Cohen, 1956 .
Boeknummer 633088 € 15.00
RADCLIFF-BROWN, A.R., KUPER, A. , (ed.) The social anthropology of Radcliff-Brown. London, Routledge, 1977.
Boeknummer 629804 € 10.00
RADCLIFF-BROWN, A.R., KUPER, A. , (ed.) The social anthropology of Radcliff-Brown. London, Routledge, 1977.
Boeknummer 643679 € 15.00
RADIN, P. Gott und Mensch in der primitiven Welt. Autorisierte Übersetzung von M. von Wyss. Zürich, Rhein, 1953.
Boeknummer 619400 € 15.00
RADIN, P., DIAMOND, S., (ED.) Culture in history. Essays in honour of Paul Radin. New York, CUP, 1960.
Boeknummer 642792 € 50.00
RECLUS, Ë Geesten, goden en duivels. Studiën over de ontwikkeling der godsdiensten. Compleet in 2 delen. Zandvoort, De Roode Bibliotheek, zj .
Boeknummer 644117 € 25.00
REDFIELD, R. The primitive world and its transformations. London, Penguin, 1968.
Boeknummer 633963 € 10.00
REYBROUCK, D. VAN From primitives to primates. A history of ethnographic and primatological analogies in the study of prehistory. Leiden, Np , 2000.
Boeknummer 634366 € 25.00
SAPIR, E. Ethnology. Volume editors R. Darnell. J. Irvine. Berlin, Mouton, 1994.
Boeknummer 572733 € 65.00
SAPIR, E. Wishram texts and ethnography. Volume editor W. Bright. Berlin, Mouton, 1990.
Boeknummer 7554 € 50.00
SAPIR, E., KOERNER, K. Edward Sapir. Appraisals of his life and work. Edited with an introduction. Amsterdam, Benjamins, 1984.
Boeknummer 607799 € 25.00
SCHOORL, J.W. Kultuur en kultuurveranderingen in het Moejoe-gebied. Leiden, zu, 1957.
Boeknummer 643295 € 15.00
SELIGMAN, B.Z., (ED.) Notes and queries on anthropology. Sixth edition revised and rewritten by a committee of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. London, Routledge, 1967.
Boeknummer 626420 € 15.00
SERPENTI, L.M. Cultivators in the swamps. Social structure and horticulture in a New Guinea society. (Frederik-Hendrik Island West New Guinea) Assen, Van Gorcum, 1965.
Boeknummer 643287 € 20.00
SERVICE, E.R. The hunters. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1979.
Boeknummer 643718 € 10.00
SLOTKIN, J.S., (ED.) Readings in early anthropology. Chicago, Aldine, 1965.
Boeknummer 645387 € 20.00
SOHON, GUSTAVUS, EWERS, J.C. Gustavus Sohon's portraits of Flathead and Pend d' Oreille indians, 1854 (With 20 plates). Washington, Smithsonian miscallaneous collections 110 7, 1948.
Boeknummer 640678 € 25.00
SPENCER, B., GILLEN, F.J. The Arunta a study of a stone age people. Two volumes in one binding. Complete. Oosterhout, Anthropological publications, 1966.
Boeknummer 631059 € 175.00
STEARNS, M.L. Haida culture in custody.The Masset band. Seattle, Washington UP, 1981.
Boeknummer 576286 € 15.00
THOMPSON, W.I. The time falling bodies take to light. Mythology, sexuality, and the origins of culture. New York, St Martin's Press, 1981.
Boeknummer 643780 € 15.00
TILLION, G. Die gestohlene Unschuld. Ein Leben zwischen Résistance und Ethnologie. Übersetzt, herausgegeben und mit einem einführenden Essay von Mechthild Gilzmer. Ausgewählt und mit einem Nachwort von Tzvetan Todorov. Berlin, AvivA, 2015.
Boeknummer 632532 € 15.00
TYLER, S.A., (ED.) Cognitive anthropology. Readings. New York, Holt, 1969.
Boeknummer 644332 € 15.00
VANCE, E.,. WEST, S.H., KNECHTGES, D.R. Selected essays on court culture in cross-cultural perspective. Taipei, Taiwan University Press, 1999.
Boeknummer 643692 € 50.00
WAAL MALEFIJT, A. DE Beelden van de mens. Geschiedenis van de culturele antropologie. Vertaling W.J. den Hertog. Baarn, Ambo, 1977.
Boeknummer 643719 € 10.00
WEER, M.C. TER Altruisme bij enkele natuurvolken van Afrika en Australië. Amsterdam, Bakker, 1939.
Boeknummer 569897 € 10.00
WILSON, M. Good company. A study of Nyakyusa age-villages. Boston, Beacon Press, 1963.
Boeknummer 643686 € 10.00
WILSON, P.J. Man, the promising primate. The conditions of human evolution. New Haven, Yale UP, 1980.
Boeknummer 620541 € 10.00
WINCKEL, A. Animisme en christendom (Het heidendom der natuurvolken). Bewerkt naar Joh. Warneck, Die Lebenskräfte des Evangeliums, u.s.w. A.C. Kruyt. Het animisme in den Indischen archipel en andere bronnen. Met een voorrede van J. Warneck en 12 illustraties. Den Haag, ZSR, 1913.
Boeknummer 644971 € 12.50
WINTHUIS, J. Einführung in die Vorstellungswelt primitiver Völker. Neue Wege der Ethnologie. Leipzig, Hirschfeld, 1931.
Boeknummer 570086 € 12.50

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