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VOSSIUS, G.J., Etymologicon lingua Latinae. Praefigitur ejusdem de litterarum permutatione tractatus. Editio novissima in qua, praeter Isaaci Vossii additiones ad fidem Amstelodamensis anni 1695 expressas, accesserunt nunc primum editae Alexii Symmachi Mazochii Etymologiae quamplurimae ex oriente petitae et Thyrrhenicarum vocum originationes. Complete in 2 volumes.
Printer's vignettes. (XXXVI) 830 pp. Leather bindings. Folio 4o. *boards of both volumes a bit rubbed, volume 1: paper somewhat browned, name on title page, volume 2: small bookworm holes throughout the book with limited damage to the text, endpapers damaged at the margin, paper a bit browned. Photos of defects can be requested*
€ 150.00



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