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Catalogus: Literatuur - Klassieke literatuur
gevonden: 44 boeken op 2 pagina's

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TITUS LIVIUS Oeuvres complètes de Tite-Live avec la traduction Française de la collection Panckoucke. Nouvelle édition très soigneusement revue par M.E. Pessonneaux, M. Blanchet et M. Carpentier. 6 volumes. Paris, Garnier, ny .
Boeknummer 621148 € 50.00
VOSSIUS, G.J. Etymologicon lingua Latinae. Praefigitur ejusdem de litterarum permutatione tractatus. Editio novissima in qua, praeter Isaaci Vossii additiones ad fidem Amstelodamensis anni 1695 expressas, accesserunt nunc primum editae Alexii Symmachi Mazochii Etymologiae quamplurimae ex oriente petitae et Thyrrhenicarum vocum originationes. Complete in 2 volumes. Neapolis, Np, 1762 - 1763.
Boeknummer 644995 € 150.00
WITKE, C. Numen litterarum. The old and the new Latin poetry from Constantine to Gregory the Great. Leiden, Brill, 1971.
Boeknummer 641309 € 50.00
WRIGHT, F.A. A history of later Greek literature. From the death of Alexander in 323 B.C. to the death of Justinian in 565 A.D. London, Routledge, 1932.
Boeknummer 634219 € 15.00

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