GROOT, HUGO DE, HUGO GROTIUSPhilosophorum sententiae de fato, et de eo quod in nostra est potestate. Collecta partim et de graco versa per Hugonem Grotium.Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1648.
Printer's mark. Parchment. 12°. (VIII) 384 pp. *top and bottom spine somewhat damaged, binding a bit spotted, otherwise in good condition*
The tail ornaments proves that the book was printed by Blaeu (Alphonse Willems, Les Elzevier, 1065). This book was published posthumously by Grotius' wife Maria van Reigensberg. It contains Latin translations of Greek texts from various philosophers on the question of fate (Ter Meulen et Diermanse, Bibliographie des écrits imprimés de Hugo Grotius, 523). According to Francesca Iurlaro, this book "has, so far, received little scholarly attention, even though it provides us with an interesting insight into Grotius' philosophical interests" (Grotiana, Dec. 2019).