HESIOD, HESIODUSHesiodi ascraei que extant ex recensione Joannis Georgii Graevii. Cum ejusdem animadversionibus & notis auctioribus. Accedit commentarius nunc primum editus. Joannis Clerici, et notae variorum, scilicet Josephi Scaligeri, Danielis Heinsii, Francisci Guieti, & Stephani Clerici, ac Danielis Heinsii. Introductio in doctrinam Operum et dierum. Nec non index Georgii Pasoris. Amsterdam, GGallet, 1701.
Frontispice + printer's vignet. (XXVI) 351, 326 pp. Leather 8°. *spine a bit rubbed, top spine damaged, edges boards slightly damaged, old name on the end paper in the back (Johan van Buizen, 1737), pp. 285 damaged, otherwise in a good condition*
Greek - Latin text
Hesiod (flourished c. 700 bc) was one of the earliest Greek poets, often called the father of Greek didactic poetry. Two of his complete epics have survived, the Theogony, relating the myths of the gods, and the Works and Days, describing peasant life.