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Opera Philosophica editio ultima nunc demum hac editione diligenter recognita & mendis expurgata. Principia philosophiae. Ultima editio cum optima collata, diligenter recognita, & mendis expurgata, Specimina philosophiae: seu dissertatio de methodo rectè regendae rationis, & veritates in scientiis investigandae: Dioptrice et Meteora. Ex gallico translata, & ab auctore perlecta, variisque in locis emendata. Ultima editio cum optima collata, diligenter recognita, & mendis expurgata, Passiones animae, per Renatum Descartes: Gallicè ab ipso conscriptae, nunc autem in exterorum gratiam, Latina civitate donatae. Ab H.D.M.J.U.L.
Amsterdam, Blaeu, 1692.
Several illustrations. Vellum. 4º. [XXXVI], 222, (2), [XVI], 248, [XXIV], 92, (4) pp. *without the general title and portrait, binding loose, text in old handwrtiting on endpaper, binding somewhat spotted, otherwise good condition*
Copy without the Meditationes
'The compilation of Descartes' texts into the 'Opera Philosophica' is an interesting phenomenon in the publishing history of the works of Descartes. From 1650 on Louis Elzevier started to sell the 'Meditationes', the 'Principia', 'Specimina' and the 'Passiones' as one set with the general title: 'Opera Philosophica'. Opera editions were published in 1650, 1656, 1663-4, 1670-72 and 1677-78. Whereas the Principia, Specimina and the Passiones were printed in the same year and are usually bound together, the Meditationes are the odd one out. They were published one or two years before the rest of the set (...). As a result the Meditationes were often bound separately, which make it hard nowadays to recognise whether a single volume of the Meditationes once was-or possible still is-part of a set of the Opera Philosophica.
M. van Otegem. A bibliography of the works of Descartes (1637-1704. Utrecht, 2002, 2, p. 680 en pp. 692-94.
Principia philosophiae 1692. The same as in the edition of 1685
Specimina philosophiae: seu Dissertatio de Methodo (Dioptrice, et Meteora) 1692. Translated from the French (E. de Courcelles?). The same as in the edition of 1685.
Passiones animae 1685. Translated out of the French into Latin H.D.M.J.U.L. (H. Maresius). The same as the Latin edition of 1656 and 1685. Van Otegem, 1, 389
Van Otegem, 2, 706
Boeknummer 622694 € 450.00