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SPINOZA, B. DE, DEUGD, C. DE, (ED.) Spinoza's political and theological thought. International symposium under the auspices of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences commemmorating the 350th anniversary of the birth of Spinoza Amsterdam 24-27 november 1982. Amsterdam, NHPC, 1984.
248 pp. Paperback. (KNAW) *good condition*
With contributions of H.G. Hubbeling, Y. Kaplan, E.G. Boscherini, K. Hammacher, W.N.A. Klever, Z. Levy, F. Mignini, P.F. Moreau, R.H. Popkin, J.P. Wurtz a.o.
Boeknummer 618813 € 15.00