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GROOT, HUGO DE, HUGO GROTIUS Annotationes in Novum Testamentum denuo emendatius editae. 9 volumes. Groningen, W Zuidema, 1826-34.
Contemporary boards *bindings slightly damaged and browned, covers slightly spotted, cover volume 9 partly loose and the paper in this volume is here and there spotted*
Complete set. Volume 1: Continens annotationes ad Matth. I-XIII, Volume 2: Ad Matth. XIV-XXVIII, Volume 3: Ad Marcum et Lucam, Volume 4: Ad Iohannem, Volume 5 Ad Acta Apostolorum, Volume 6: In Pauli Epistolas ad Romanos, Corinthios, Galatas, Volume 7: In Pauli Epistolas ad Ephesios - Philemonem et in Epist. ad Hebraeos, Volume 8 In Epistolas Catholicas et Ioahannis Apocalypsin, Volume 9 Indices
Boeknummer 588895 € 200.00